Full Life Yoga & Wellness
Healing & Awakening with Kim
How can I serve you? What do you need most right now?
A powerful private session to work through a situation where you are feeling stuck or confused?
Perhaps you are looking for a group class? Here at Full Life Yoga classes are a hybrid of intuitive yogic movement and group therapy. We cultivate a deep sense of safety, inclusion, and support. You will be welcomed with open arms. There is immense power in gathering and exploring our inner and outer geographies.
This is your sacred life! We are here to help you live it to the fullest!
About Kim
My journey has always been a spiritual one. I thank my mom for that, she has always been a seeker. I experienced my first spiritual awakening in grade 8 or 9 at a Mormon Youth Retreat. It was so wonderful. I was completely devout, bursting with spiritual wonder, however, this only lasted a few months. Those fires didn’t have much of a chance to be fanned living on a farm in Southern Saskatchewan, far from any other teenagers remotely interested in this kind of exploration. So, I did what most teenagers do, I followed the flock which was a ton of fun but way harder on my parents.
The next few years found me in somewhat of a confused purgatory as far as my spiritual life went. I had decided Mormonism wasn’t for me, lovely people, but they have some pretty strict guidelines around things that, as a teen and young adult, I found really inconvenient! I was of the belief that spirituality/religion was an all or nothing contract which left me feeling somewhat unanchored. Thank God (pun intended) for a religious studies class I took in University! Wow!!! There were all these other ways to approach spirituality and it most certainly did not have to be all or nothing. I was especially intrigued by the Eastern religions/philosophies but … life was still full of, what I perceived as, non-spiritual adventures so my spiritual life continued to wait patiently on the back burner.